
Fenn walks in swinging his "battle ax", "Mom are you already married?"
Me, "Yes bud, I'm married to daddy."
Fenn starts crying, literally crying, "But I wanted to marry you."
Me, teared up, "I know and if I would have met you before daddy I would have married you instead."
Watching "The Masters" on T.V. . .

Fenn, "Mom will you teach me to golf?"
Me, "I don't really know how to golf Fenn."
Fenn, "Will daddy teach me?"
Me,  "I don't really think daddy knows too much about golf either. If you want to learn golf we will have to see if there is somebody at the golf course who can give you lessons when you are a little bit older."

The next day . . .

Fenn, "Dad, will you teach me to fish?"
Gib (with tears of joy in his eyes), "Yes, buddy, of course I will."
Fenn, "And I'll teach you to golf."