
Playing out in the snow . . .
Fenn, "I have to go potty? Can I pea in the snow?"
Me, "Yes. Get up here and I'll help you get your clothes off"
10 minutes later he finally gets up the top of the hill and I have unzipped his coat, unzipped his snow pants, pulled down his sweats, long johns and undies, and taken off his mittens. I say, "O.k. hold your wiener and pea."
Fenn in very sad winey voice, "Your gonna have to hold it. My hands are freezin."
Katie, "Mel, your gonna have to hold it."
I'm feeling really bad because I haven't been keeping this up and I forget so quickly the things he says that crack me up. I MUST do better.

Tonight while browsing the Internet for, what else, swords, we had these conversations.
Fenn, "Whoa! What is that?"
Me, "That's a Kit Rae Avolovh Milthrodion Custom Fantasy Sword."
Fenn, "I want it."
Me, "Its $109.99"
Fenn, "That costs a lot of money. I want it. What store is it at?"
Me, "True Swords.com."

A few minutes later (mind you I am talking on the phone while looking at swords, I know its wrong, but I HATE looking at swords on line) . . .
Fenn, "That's a shit sword."
Me, "What? Are you swearing?"
Fenn, "Noooo."

A few minutes later (just hung the phone up and then had to call back and relate this little gem) . . .
Fenn, "What is that?"
Me, "That is a Kit Rae Custom Necklace Pendant Valdris. Its a sword necklace."
Fenn, "That's ridiculous."
Me, in my mind, "Thank you LORD!"